b'Yet,whatisimpressiveisthatinspiteofsuchincredibleexperiencesandachievements,Elyses take away has been the appreciation for the less optically illustrious, yet more essential grass roots community aspects of the world, and this especially includes skating. In her conversation with CHIPS Newsletter, the tone of her voice changed as she communicated a clear and distinct respect and appreciation for the human connection component that comprises all of these facets of her life, and this is what has been motivating her all along.In more recent years, Elyse has found a place in one ofskatingsmostrapidlyexpandinggenres,onethat is known specifically for having a particularly close-knit andsociallyvibrantcommunity,TheatreOnIce.Her historicalunderstandingoftraditionalicedanceand itsrootsinballroom,inadditiontohermoreforward lookingyouthandperspectiveallowhertorecognize the unique potential directions in which ice dance can grow. At the same time, she recognizes how essential it is to somehow maintain the integrity of the sports roots, and through Theatre On Ice she sees part of that same evolutionoccurring.HerowninvolvementinTheatre OnIceisoneofwhichsheisclearlyproud,andshe specificallycitesthatoneofherfondestmemoriesof her skating career was competing with Fortre,Theatre On Ice of Bostons senior team, in pinal, France during the Creative Exercise. The experience was, something I have never experienced before where I could feel the energy from my teammates around me and we felt so connected during that program. Theatre On Ice I think is an incredible program for U.S. Figure Skating because it gives a creative outlet and a sense of belonging for any skater at any skill level. I love that it can combine so many peoples strengths across disciplines to create something very unique.In ice dance, I dont have one favorite memory, but I was fortunate to train with incredible people and have a great group that was supportive of one another. At the time it included Emily (Samuelson) Dunford and Evan Bates, Madison and Keiffer Hubbell and Lynn Kriengkrairut and Logan Giulietti Schmitt. The judging world in ice dance is also very close knit and supportive of the athletes and each other.Outside of work and officiating, Elyse finds time to explore outdoor activities and cooking. Just as she reconciles her skating and work demands, she somehow manages to reconcile her husband Davids status as a Bruins fan with her own as a Blackhawksfan. And her new fidelity to her adopted team, the Red Sox, hasnt changed her childhood support of the Chicago White Sox.The Club is incredibly fortunate that Elyses life journey led her to the Boston area, and we are grateful to have such a vibrant perspective in the world of officiating, especially given the incredible changes that skating faces today and will continue to face. Young genuine and talented people like Elyse will inevitably spark positive change as they shape and influence the exciting and, in many ways still unknown, new directions that this sport will take in the coming decades.23'