b'In Memoriam Michael Botticelli 1959 - 2023Long-time Club member Michael Charles Botticellipassedawayattheageof63 afteraneighteenmonthbattleagainst cancer He and his partner Sheryl Franks traveled the world competing in national andinternationalcompetitions,including the 1980 Olympics, and skating in Disney on Ice. But he would consider his greatest accomplishmentinskatingtobehis coachingcareer.Asidefromhisfamily, hisstudentswerethemostimportant thing in Michaels life. He celebrated their accomplishments far more than his own and treasured every bond that he built with his students, with some friendships lasting long past their figure skating or hockey careers. Michael prided himself on always being there for the people he loved, and always lending a hand to a friend in need.Whether they were competing, at Disney on Ice or coaching, Michael was always known for his caring attitude. For always being ready to lend a hand and reach out to someone.Tenley E. Albright 24'