b'Adult Community Activites CommitteeWe are thrilled to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements ofourtalentedadultskaterswhorecentlycompetedatAdultSectionalsinKissimmee, Floridaand Adult Nationals in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their dedication, hard work and passion for figureskating has propelled them to new heights, and we couldnt be more proud of theiraccomplishments. Inaddition,wewanttocongratulateImagica,TheatreOnIceofBostonsadultteam,on theirparticipation in the 2023 Nations Cup and Adult Gold Cup hosted at The Skating Club of Boston in April. The dedication and teamwork displayed by the Imagica team was truly impressive, and we are proud of their commitment to representing us with grace and skill. Theirpassionforfigureskating,combinedwiththeirhardworkandperseverance,isan inspiration to us all. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and look forward to witnessing their continued success on the ice.Jodi BeggsTheClubwouldliketorecognizeJodiBeggswho representedTeamUSAatthe2023InternationalAdult Figure Skating Competition 2023 in Oberstdorf, Germany.6'