Employee Name* First Last Work Email Address* Department*Ex. Club Office, Finance and Business Administration, Marketing and Communications, etc. Which of the following applies to you?* Full-Time Employee Part-Time Employee Please indicate which of these digital applications you utlize for your position with the Club.* ActiveNet Dropbox Blackbaud Monday.com Square Site Salsa Labs Formsite Survey Monkey Sign Up Genius Constant Contact Sling Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Microsoft Powerpoint Google Drive Hootsuite Canva Other Please provide the name of the other digital application(s). Are you the owner or primary administrator of any of these applications?* Yes No Please provide the name of the application(s) where you are the designated owner or primary administrator.*Are there any additional tools in these digital applications that you wish to utilize?*Are there any data reports that you wish to have access to improve your job efficiency?*Are there any applications that you would like to receive one-on-on training with?* Δ