Club Update: May 14, 2021

Dear Member,

Myself and other management team members are out of the office which means that the Club Update is a very short one for this Friday.

COVID-19 Update
We again had no reported cases of COVID-19 at the Club this past week. Thank you for your continued strong effort on this front and keep up the good work. To repeat from last week’s email, if you are now fully vaccinated and would like to supply Cheri with a copy of your vaccination card, it will exempt you from needing to show the Club a negative PCR test after having flown (in a plane). And yes, we all still need to complete the Club’s entry-screening form before entering the Club. It doesn’t matter whether we have been half or fully vaccinated. Managing the exceptions is not a practical matter.

As always, please contact Cheri Rigby directly if you have any questions regarding COVID-19 or in understanding the Club’s safety protocols. She can be reached at

Congratulations to the Club Awards Recipients
Thanks to everyone who zoomed in for the virtual celebration of the Club Awards last Friday. To read a complete list of the award recipients and to access the video recording of the event, please click here. It was a wonderful gathering of our members to celebrate the accomplishments of the Club’s skaters led by our esteemed Olympians Dr. Tenley E. Albright and Tina Noyes. Board members and special guests helped present the awards and recognitions throughout the program. We look forward to next year when we can all hopefully be together once again for the Club Awards.

Summer Ice
Registration continues to move along at a brisk pace. You can find all the information you need, including the registration link, here.

Enjoy the weather. It looks like it will be an awesome spring weekend – finally!


Jon Jepson
Club Director