Dear Member,
With the CDC announcement on Friday relaxing their recommendations for wearing masks indoors, the Club has made its own decision to follow suit at this time. Beginning tomorrow, Monday February 28th, masks will now be optional for everyone while inside the Club’s facility.
Masks are inconvenient and uncomfortable. We are acknowledging that. But it is important to remember that masks are also one of the best defenses against infection by the COVID-19 virus. Club management encourages everyone to still wear a mask, even while they are no longer required. The CDC announcement is very likely because they are comfortable that hospitals are no longer under the threat of being overwhelmed, and not because masks will no longer keep you safe from becoming infected in the first place. Our preference remains that no one becomes infected with the COVID-19 virus while at the Club. We are saying in effect that now, more than ever, it is our individual responsibility whether to wear a mask, and how to keep ourselves and our friends and family as safe as possible.
As we have all learned, this pandemic has come and gone in its intensity. The threat of widespread infections could still come back in earnest as the result of yet another variant of the virus. We will continue to respond accordingly, and part of that may be reinstituting the requirements for masks while at the Club.
Thank you, everyone.
Doug Zeghibe
Executive Director